Chinmayee Bhange interviews Ms. Khyati Gautam on the occasion of Gudhi Padwa - 22nd March 2023.
Please introduce yourself.
Hello, I am Khyati Gautam and I run a successful book blog in the country that goes by the name Bookish Fame. It is your place to find book reviews, recommendations, and some bits of my creative writing. Besides my creative pursuit, I am pursuing my Master's in Development Studies and Public Policy from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai.How long have you been blogging? Was blogging a conscious choice for you?
I have been into book blogging for six years now. It started off as a hobby, a creative pursuit combining my love for reading and writing. Over time, it became more than just a hobby, a medium to express myself and talk consciously about my growth and lived experiences - be it with books or life, in general.
What genres of books do you generally follow?
I usually fall for literary fiction and creative non fiction.
What makes a good book? The plot or the author?
I believe both make a book great. Good writing by an author contributes immensely in shaping a unique plot. The two cannot do anything on their own.
How does a certain book achieve its "Best Seller" status?
Having more sales usually amount to a book getting that 'bestseller' tag but it is too lean a metric to judge a book. Sales could be bought but loyalty towards a book could only be earned. Most amazing books out there are not bestsellers in typical fashion.
What is it that Book Bloggers should look out for?
A book blogger must constantly look out for learning and evolving. I feel they must learn from others, look out for reading different genres beyond their favoured areas, and be open to critique and be critiqued. They should be honest in their reviews but balanced in their tone and approach.
In this scenario of information overload and binge reading habits, your blogging and instagram posts have opened up a new avenue for book enthusiasts. What is your message for like minded people?
Life is too short. Choose things wisely and invest time in them accordingly.
What advice would you share for naive book bloggers?
Don't fall for cheap money and overnight success. You need not sell your honesty to make it big and earn numbers. Stay true to your passion and values, they will take you places. In the long run, consistency matters.
How many books do you read in a month? And how many are on your shelf right now as TBR?
I used to read 10 books on an average which has now come down to 3-5 books per month. As for my TBR, I have lost the count.
Any three books which are very close to your heart and why?
Tuesdays with Morrie - For teaching me about life and relationships, Softening the edge - For teaching me the value of empathy and leading with kindness, The Comfort Book - For being simple and beautiful
Has it ever happened that you felt as if you were one of the characters in the book? Which was that book?
Do your family / friends support you in this venture of book blogging?
Yes, my friends and family support it wholeheartedly.
What tips would you share for getting more likes / followers on Instagram handles for book reviews?
Stay true to your work, share your honest thoughts because authenticity matters. And as it is Instagram, clearly aesthetics matter too. Also, engage with the content of others while focusing on creating yours.
Social Media is ever evolving. How do you adapt yourself to this scenario?
I try to learn from my experiments and experiences. No substitute to keeping oneself immersed in learning constantly.
Do you think likes / reviews on Instagram handles has a deep impact on the psychology of the readers?
Likes is a vanity metric that happens to have a manipulative impact on the psyche of consumers. I believe the number of likes shouldn't be a parameter for judging something. However, I feel comprehensive and honest reviews could definitely help a reader decide if a certain book could prospectively interest them.
What are your favourite Bookstagram accounts?
@askthebookbug, @nupur_flipaleaf, @thisbookmagnet @reader_viddh
Who inspired you to Book Blogging?
My friend introduced me to reviewing books back in 2017. I loved reading others’ reviews and knowing that I could write one myself too, made me happy. I learned about the process of reviewing by reaching out to reviewers on Facebook as well as authors. I read a lot, experimented with my blogs, and started growing. So, I owe whatever I am today to that friend who himself is an avid reader, Ankit Chouhan. Second, I was inspired by Vidhya and her passionate work which continues to inspire me even today.
Who are your favourite Book Bloggers?
Vidhya Thakkar, Aakanksha Jain
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