Topics that will be covered:
- JCR Overview-Journal Intelligence Solution
- Journal Profile
- Deep Dive into the Journal Impact Factor (JIF™)
- Why has the JIF™ been expanded to include ESCI and AHCI journals?
- Understanding the key metrics for journal evaluation beyond JIF™
- A brief explanation of the Journal Citation Indicator™
- Journal comparison across various metrics
- Selection of best-fit journal to publish your research and best practices of using JCR metrics for journal evaluation
Training Evaluation and issuance of e-Certificates
Upon successful completion of the series and securing >/ 70% in a quiz (which will be shared a week after the completion of the program), the attendees will be given due recognition by means of a personalized e-Certificate.
Upon successful completion of the series and securing >/ 70% in a quiz (which will be shared a week after the completion of the program), the attendees will be given due recognition by means of a personalized e-Certificate.