Articles published open access are freely available for anyone to read, download, copy and distribute, however re-use may have certain protections. Creative Commons,(opens in new tab/window an international non-profit, has defined several licensing frameworks that authors and publishers can apply to manage certain rights. Two licenses common to open access are “CC BY-NC-ND” and “CC BY,” with the following permissions:
CC BY 4.0 | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | |
Read, print and download | Yes | Yes |
Redistribute or republish the article (e.g. display in a repository) | Yes | Yes |
Sell or re-use for commercial purposes | Yes | No |
Translate the article | Yes | For private use only and not for distribution |
Download for text and data mining purposes | Yes | Yes |
Reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works | Yes | Yes |