“One-Day Awareness Programme on ORCID and INFLIBNET Services for Scholarly Communities” on 19th January 2024 at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune
The objectives of the program are;
To bring more awareness of academic identities and ORCID;
To discuss the use case of ORCID in scholarly communication activities;
To bring more awareness about IRINS, ShodhChakra and other activities of INFLIBNET Centre;
To demonstrate and implement ORICD, IRINS & ShodhChakra projects at the institute level, etc
The programme will support the organisation in interlinking all the faculty member’s / researcher's scholarly activities, publications, datasets, and other research outputs. This interconnectedness improves the discoverability and visibility of academic works.
The one-day user awareness programme registration is free, and seats will be reserved on a first-come, first basis. Those interested in attending the programme can register using the following link. The last date to register is 15th January 2024
Programme Registration Link:https://irins.inflibnet.ac.in/irins/orcid_outreach
Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Seminar Hall,1st Floor, Guest House, IISER Pune.
More information about
ORCID: https://orcid.org
IRINS: https://irins.inflibnet.ac.in
ShodhChakra: https://shodhchakra.inflibnet.ac.in/
The programme flyer is enclosed for your information. If you have any further queries, kindly communicate with us through email (librarian@iiserpune.ac.in/ irins@inflibnet.ac.in) or contact Dr. Umeshareddy Kacherki, Librarian at IISER, Pune
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar
(An IUC of University Grants Commission)
Opps. DAIICT, Infocity, Gandhinagar - 382007, Gujarat
Contact No: 079-2326-8230, 8281, 8251