Thursday, 18 February 2021

DSpace for academic libraries - Part 1


Chinmayee Bhange

DSpace is an Open Source Software package which is most commonly used by institutions to archive and make accessible scholarly content created or generated by the institute. The content may range from born digital items to scanned copies.

It was released in the November of 2002 by Duraspace. Currently, it has version 6.3 ready for download using GitHub. It uses JAVA for programming. For more details, please visit


DSpace is a repository making software which is freely available for download and customization. It is used to collect and preserve the published articles, white papers, working papers, reports, data sets, edited books and such other scholarly content of the institute in one place.

The various sections or topics in DSpace are referred to as a Community. A Community has sub-communities. So, for example, a community can be the Department of Computer Science. The Sub- Community under this Community can be Books, Journal Articles, etc.

Essentially, a Community is the broad group which can be further categorised as per the need or ease of retrieval.

These Communities have e people and e groups who are the admin or super admin of the groups. Which means they have the right to upload data (content) and allow or dis-allow access to specific people or user groups. This is the Administrator – Control interface.

In SFIT LIRC, we have been DSpace for many years now. Based on the need and intended use, we have created the following communities in our DSpace@SFIT.

Creating Community:

        Each DSpace unit (or service) which we want to group together is comprised of Communities – the highest level of the Dspace content hierarchy

        Communities may be:



        Research Centres


        Each community contains descriptive metadata about itself and the collections contained within it

        Every community in turn have collections which contain items or files and contains Descriptive Metadata

Example from our LIRC at St.Francis Institute of Technology





Approved Lists



List 1



SCIMAGO Journal and Country Rankings

List 1


Example for any library to start with:





Name of the Department


Books, Journals, Conference Proceedings

Soft Copies of Books, Journals, Conference Proceedings. Make sure you have the copyright to upload material!



Sponsored by Institute

Grants from GOI

Grants from AICTE

Working Papers, Models and Final Completion Certificates


1.     Sign in to DSPace using Administrator login

2.     Determine a name for your Top Level Community

3.     Go to “Communities and Collections”

4.     Click on “Create Community”

5.     Provide the required Metadata for your Community

6.     Set proper Authorization hierarchy or Access Rights

7.     Click on “Create”

8.     You can edit your Community and metadata at this stage too

9.     After editing, do not forget to click on “Update”


An introduction to DSpace - ScholarSpace › bitstream › Module 3 .